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tv   KPIX 5 News at 6pm  CBS  February 18, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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reporter: elizabeth, it costs lots of money to replace workers world series don't ship. but the union says it comes with the territory. the union suggests maybe there is something else to this story. >> b.a.r.t employees can use a maximum of 12 sick days if a year. this employee says he has used very few. the san francisco examiner reports on average one in eight b.a.r.t agents are train operators. replacement workers contribute to $1.7 million in overtime cost -- $13.7 million in overtime cost a year but the union president says that is not the whole story >> they indicated we are comparable with other transit agencies in the area. the difference is we have a 95% on-time rating. >> it includes military leave, sick days, jury duty and family emergencies. >> do you think the sick days are being abused by employees?
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>> i think everybody has an issue. any employee any company you go to, everybody has an issue. >> but not all passengers are on board. >> when there is a glitch in the system people are always trying to take advantage of it for their person that will interest. >> and this -- personal interest >> i am if the happy about the rising cost. >> also not happy is the union which points out they begin labor negotiations april first. >> don't you think it's interesting taco bell every year right before contract negotiations there comes out a slam piece. >> one b.a.r.t director told kpix 5 they plan to address sick leave/overtime issue through labor negotiations. >> any business like b.a.r.t, anywhere you go, you will find that there are overtime costs. it is a part of the business. b.a.r.t knows that. >> reporter: so, maybe this is the ramp up to contentious labor negotiations. the union does say it is hoping it can ratify the contract by june 30th, but elizabeth we're
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just going to have to see how this issue plays out. >> a lot of things to discuss. ann, thank you. we told you there would be changes. as we look live into the city they are happening as we speak. paul deann o has more. >> reporter: hillberg, st. helena, you will see showers. for this evening andover night, scatter evidence showers. the stead your stuff will make it here in time for the morning commute. tomorrow at 1:00, livermore, redwood city, san jose getting moderate rainfall. snow levels are going to drop. if you near live st. helena, don't be surprised if you see
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light at the top of these mountains. the snow level will reichly drop down to 2,000 feet by tomorrow evening. we will have the full forecast in about nine minutes. >> thanks, paul. it is the shove being felt across college basketball. cal coach montgomery getting physical with the star player. we have the reaction from kpix 5's don knapp. >> emotions overtook cal coach. it was the kind of thing that could end a coach's career. he had a quick response.
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the shoved player was diplomat exsaying he is my coach and there are no hard feelings. i have to leave it at that. it motivated me. >> we most certainly have a problem when disrespect begins to come from the top because you are teaching young people something about being young men, about being responsible adult citizens and so forth. >> coach montgomery later aa poll -- apologized. it also brings to mind other acts from college coaches. bobby knight fuming over a couple fouls called again his team throwing chairs. he was given a one-day suspension. >> spreewell dragged his nope 1997. the warriors canceled what was left of his $23 million contract and he was suspended by the nba for a year.
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and ohio state buckeyes coach brought his 28 year career to an instant end when he jumped off the bench and onto the field to punch a crimson player who intercepted a pass. >> they have the responsibility to not resort to shoving, hitting, punching a chair or what have you. it is simply unacceptable. >> reporter: don knapp, kpix 5. >> don, thanks. a warning for students at uc santa cruz after a young woman was raped and beat minnesota broad daylight yesterday afternoon on a secluded path. the 21-year-old visitor to the school was walking by herself when she was attacked. cool officials say such attacks
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are rare. students say they have to take more precautions. >> that is really scary because i use this path like every other day and i see other people walking along here by themselves. >> the victim gave a detailed description of the suspect and campus police have released this sketch based on that. she says the man is muscular, about 5' 10", 200-pounds with a photo and tattoo on his -- go tee goatee and a tattoo on his shoulder. 68-year-old of oregon has died from a collision. the second person in the boat with him was hurt scene in the hospital, in fact. the coast guard is investigating that crash. search and rescue crews have recovered the body of a hiker who apparently fell to his death. he was hiking alone on saturday when he fell. park rangers found his body yesterday after he was reported
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missing but were unable to remove it because of rugged terrain. a 50-foot oak tree fell on a home. no one was hurt, though. t. the market is just that hot. the latest bay area real estate surge and who is hurting and who is cashing in. good news, we are inching closer to summer. the bad news, it'll cost you. how the calendar is driving up gas prices. >> adding water to it, it's going to change the flavor. turns out, watering down the bourbon was a bad idea. now, a new question. will the stubble leave a mark.
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market. not too small, and not too big.. condos are just what investors are looking for john ramos te the goldi locks standard. condos are just one investors are looking for right now. kpix 5's john ramos tells us it is great news for sellers but a bit of a nightmare for buyers. >> if you want to know how crazy the real estate market is these theys, look no further than sun set park in walnut creek. >> now they will knock on my door again i'm expecting. >> asking what? >> if i want to sell or if i know anybody. >> built in the 70s the complex is nice but not fancy and that makes these condominium units a hot ticket. with their moderate price and ability to rent out, places like this have become highly prized by thorn investors >> i got a phone call from someone in china interested in
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the property. all cash. >> how can a person just looking for a place here compete with that? >> they can't. >> this lady is helping a client sell this two bedroom town home. it ended up with nine offers and sold for higher than the asking price. they only listed it for seven days and it turns out that wasn't even necessary. >> i could have sold it the first day because i had someone who wanted to write on it. >> you could have sold it in one day? >> in one day. >> banks loan money on a property's appraised value, but the appraisals can't keep up with the prices. a condo listed for hundred thousand dollars in december could sell for $400,000 toddle all this has created a nightmare for first time hombres and people looking for a down sized house. >> it is crazy. it is off the charts crazy. i feel bad for them. they have a hard time getting in the market because there are so many offers on one property.
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>> for those currently looking, she has a littled vice. >> don't get discouraged. be patient. it is a numbers game. you kind of have to go and the market will change. >> no one knows who that change will look like, but everyone agrees that it can't stay like this forever. in walnut creek, john ramos, kpix 5. gas prices up for the 32nd straight day. kpix 5's ken bastida looking for cheaper gas. >> reporter: it is amazing. jerry will pack in and show you -- pan in and show you where we are. in the $4 range all around the bay area. this is a phenomena we are seeing all over the country.
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there is a threat that o pec says there is too much production and they are going to kit back by about .10. that is one analyst' opinion. another analyst' opinion is two southern california refineries are doing maintenance now and there is another analyst who says actually there is about a 10% glut in production right now. doesn't really matter for you and i who are out there driving everyday, including mark who we found that says i have to pay what i have to pay. >> it is $3.99. how high does it have to go before you say i'm not paying that. >> you have to pay regardless. >> 6 bucks you will probably pay. >> probably. definitely. >> get more than six gallons next time all right.
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>> i know. id a a half tank. >> reporter: here is another one from another analyst. this is a weird one. the economy is doing so well the oil companies are just raising their rates. they just want to take more profit out of it. so, whichever one of those you want to believe here is what we are paying in san francisco. $4.13. that is regular unleaded. oakland, $4.06. san jose, $4.08. want more good news? they say this normally doesn't start until about memorial day when it peeks. reporting live in daley city, i'm ken bastida, kpix 5. >> gas prices are skyrocketing. temperatures are plunging. >> reporter: yeah. at least we have sunshine annoys -- oh, wait. that's gone. it is rear-view mirror type. wearable had a taste of what we
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will have to wait another three weeks to get back. i don't even see the 60s the next few days. peak outside. we have cloudiness and rainfall. this will be a winter-like pattern for the next couple days. pat lieu -- petaluma, you are getting shower. two days removed from the mid 70s. we did the low 50s today in san francisco. livermore you are at 53. oakland 56. san jose was the warm spot at 57. it was cloudy to have wanted only the fourth cloudy day we have -- today. only the fourth colloids day this -- cloudy day this year. once the front moves through that will usher in some cold canadian air. totist all the clouds working from north -- notice all the
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clouds working from north to south. the 60s, probably not until friday. we are talking about foggy weather tomorrow. chilly and breezy weather for a couple days. tomorrow by far the wettest day. even with all of this cold air spilling down, there is no moisture to work with. it will be chilly but it also will be mainly dry once again. look at these highs tomorrow. livermore your average high is 62. tomorrow afternoon you will be 49 degrees. san francisco 8 degrees below normal. san jose 14 degrees below with a high of 51. redwood city 51. napa 49. highs only in the upper 40s. here is your extended forecast. we will dry out wednesday and thursday. highs still in the mid 50s. back to 60 on friday and more scattered showers coming up saturday. we need the rainfall. that is true, but what an
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abrupt change. a lot of people woke up, myself included, what's this. you know it is coming. you see the number. but when you get out and feel it, whole different story. >> right. you get so adjusted to the nice, warm temperatures. >> kind of miss the 70s. >> reporter: yeah. you have to go look for your thermostat. >> exactly. it was going to be a little bit like new coke. >> the uproar and a lesson in economics from the mark of the maker. kpix is the official television station for the new bay area opening ceremony. we are counting down the days for september. we will keep you posted on planning for the big day. mary gonzales had a cold she also has asthma. so she sees her allergist who has a receptionist susan who sees that she's due for a mammogram.
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mary has one that day. that's when she finds out she has a tumor. she has a successful surgery and because her health provider has an amazing connected system, she has her life. i don't know what you have but i have kaiser permanente. kaiser permanente. thrive.
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supply and demand. and the very first basic law of supply and demand reads like this: "if demand it is the foundation of every economic course, supply and demand. if command increases -- demand increases and supply remains unchanged a short and occurs leading to a higher price. it is that simple. unless you are the folks who produce makers mark bourbon. when faced with demand, they decided to. >> raise the price. >> no. >> that didn't go well with customers. kpix's mike sugerman with what might leave customers with a hang over. >> nay wanted to get more product. when you really got into it it was completely stupid. maker is an old time connecticut bourbon company.
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they decided toed a extra water which would mean less alcohol content -- decided to add water. >> lowering the alcohol i don't think is the problem. >> says this bartender if san francisco. >> the profile is the problem. ed aing water to it will change the flavor. >> they chose to water down the product i think in a well intentioned attempt to keep everybody happy. it was the wrong decision obviously. >> marketing guru says they want to keep it affordable. >> i have never tried it and i'm not sure i will. >> it's very nice. >> maybe she'd like it watered
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down a bit. >> honestly i think it's kind of insulting to the customer. at the same time, if they had never said anything, to one would have known. >> realizing the mistake makers apologize if a tweet and reverse the situation which could turn this thing around. >> they show themselves to be what consumers love, humble, accessible, willing to admit a mistake. >> no matter what, the whoa thing no doubt will leave its "mark." mike sugerman, kpix 5. >> a lot of free publicity along the way. >> yeah. coming up, it was supposed to be an issue where both sides could find common ground. why republicans are furious over an immigration plan that hasn't even been proposed by the white house. >> people say it was like a giant port-a-potty, that is not
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exaggerating. she would know. she spent her birthday on that ship. a bay area woman's first account of a very memorable cruise. a particular of light, a big boom and shattered glass. the meteorite that fell. you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh.
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we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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administration's list... but republicans aren't happy with a white house plan that leaked over the weekend. cbs reporter danielle nottingham on how the immigration reform battle is shapin republicans aren't happy with the white house plan that leaked over the weekend. cbs reporter daniel nottingham with how it is hay shaping up on capital hill. >> lake stone happened in washington by accident. this raises the question that many of us continue to wonder about. does the president really want to result. >> the white house is down playing the leak saying the draft is only a backup if lawmakers don't come up with an immigration reform proposal. >> we will be prepared with our own plan if these on going talks between republicans and democrats on capital hill break down. >> reporter: in the senate,
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four republicans and four democrats are working on hammering out tear own deal. >> president obama has made immigration reform one of his top priorities. >> now is the time to do it. >> the administration leaked that would allow some illegal ill grants to become residents within eight years. rubioings one of the senators working on the bi partisan plan blasted the white house saying it was dead on arrival in coverage rubio slammed the proposal for the potential influx of illegal immigrants. danielle nottingham, cbs news washington. military vets ready to start a new life and thanks to
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the g.i . bill they have money. but often the vets are left with nothing more than financial ruin. >> there are people out there who have less interested in helping our men and women in uniform and more interested in earning a buck. >> president obama going after educational programs taco bell take advantage of veterans. >> you will find overwhelming documentation of high tuition, abysmal student outcomes. >> but veterans still have little guidance when heading back to school. the g.i . bill raised this man's tuition but when he graduates the air force says he will still face a big debt. >> i might be actually up to 70 tow dollars in debt. veterans really shouldn't need to take on this debt. and it can really haunt them if they make a mistake. >> vets are aggressively recruited because of a loophole in the so-called 90/10 rule.
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it required colleges to get 10% of their money from non- government sources and money through the g.i . bill doesn't continue even though it is from tax payers. >> i think veterans and active duty service members are shocked by the types of recruiting metheds that they are seeing. >> and schools are popping up where you would least expect them. this university head quartered in san jose has a graduation rate of just over 50%. now, a senate report two years ago called for stringentover sight. but so far no government action has been taken. the academy of art lost its eligibility to receive state grant money when its graduation rate fell below of%. still, it can get g.i . bill money. >> historically over the eight year period we average a 34% graduation rate according to the california aid commission, 30% is what they expect. >> still, advocates usual
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veterans to seek out cheaper more accessible options like a community college. >> we try to steer them toward wherever their goal is >> the transfer rates to four- year colleges are among the highest in the nation. classes go for just $31 a unit. >> it is an affordable option for them. they have a wonderful education fall experience hear. >> reporter: we want to point out that over the years employees of kpix 5 have been both instructors and students at the academy of art. a developing story out at the north bay. authorities have made an arrest in a triple murder in sonoma county this month. three bodies were found inside a homeful it was part of an apparent drug deal gone bad. the e lapd officer behind a
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killing spree apparently tried to escape to mexico after his first two murders. fishermen in san diego say he approached them february 5th offering cash for a south of the border fishing trip. he found no takers. the next day a man believed to be corner tried to steal a boat but failed. after that he fled to big bear where he held up in an unlocked cabin just 100 yards from a police post. police knocked on taco bell door during tear initial search -- knocks on that door during the initial search but with no signs of forced entry they moved on. we are hearing how oscar pistorius will likely defend himself. his family is saying the shooting of his girlfriend was a mistake. >> lawyers for olympian pistorius will seek bail for the runner on tuesday. the double amputee has been in
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yale since thursday charged with murdering
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had a a latrine a first hand account of what one bay area passenger calls - a floating porta- potty. and a charge that really burned a lot of rural homeowners: the fire prevention fee - now getting another look in sacramento. (((stocks))) (((stocks)))
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[ crickets chirping ] [ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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cruise ship "triumph" when it lost power and the sewage system failed. she's back home w... and described a young woman was on the carnival cruise ship triumph
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when it lost power she is back home now. >> i still don't believe it happened and i didn't really believe it was happening when it was happening. >> she was one of the 4200 aboard carnival's cruise ship triumph. it was her birthday celebration. then came sunday's engine failure. >> my roommates peek their head out and they can see stewards running bang on all the doors. there was is white smoke. >> no electricity, conditions got bad fast. the rest of the trip she and her friends slept outside on the boat deck. their room had sue and and others had it seeping through
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the walls and the ceiling. >> there was urine coming from the bathroom. i looked into the last stall. the weight of the urine and feces and the toilet bowl had broken the toilet off the wall and there was about 18 inches of just iron. >> it was days before they -- urine. >> she says the emotional gravity didn't hit her until she arrived home in oakland. >> we got home. i was really holding it together. then when we got into the driveway i bursts into tear for like 40 minutes. >> carnival offered all passengers a compensation package. alexis said she would gladly go on another cruise but the right one. >> they didn't have contingency plans. they weren't organized. that was most of our misery. >> days later alexis says she still has trouble sleeping, but despite she knows the true meaning of there is no place like home. the hunt is on for the pieces of meteor that slammed
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into russia last week scientists confirm they have found more than 50 small meteorites tonight surface of a frozen lake. people have started combing through in a rush to get their hands tonight meteorite valued at 40 times the current cost of gold. new way to watch tv after the break. the app that opens up another world of viewers right to their phone. on the radar now we are seeing showers for only the second time the entire month. how much will you get in your town? i'll answer that after the break. the giants will have a new starting pitcher opening day, and the hill billy from heaven are live. live report coming up.
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-- again. the state started a fee that pays for fire prevention services in california's rural areas is under fire again. the state started collecting the fire fee last year. now governorrier reimbursements
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brown wants -- jerry brown wants to expand it. the fee has been used for wildfire investigations even though it was supposed to be used only for preventative measures. chances are you are watching right now with your phone in hand or maybe the computer is on your lap. one bay area company sees that not as a distraction but an opportunity. kpix finds julia goodrich on how a new app is taking tv to a whole new level. >> welcome to interactive tvful multitasking. >> whether it be an ipad, smart phone or computer. >> founder of magic ruby creates second screen view for that reason. engage viewers with interactive content. >> watching sons of anarchy right now. >> watch this popular show and get behind the scenes info at the same time on your hand held device. the app syncs up to the show
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allowing you to dive deeper into the show and its content. >> you can then go into the perspective view and see the set and walk around the set and see what people are doing. >> and, if you like what the actors are wear you can bite. >> when we synchronize to that show people can purchase what they would like. >> for example, if you like this belt, you can look at the app and there it is. jeans, bracelet, hoodies. see the price and purchase. one of the links is a mug shot wall. you can actually view the rap sheet of the characters on the show. you will find recipes. characters on the show. magic ruby is currently working on content for the t anen mated series for kids. here is a photo of the show's content. the second screen viewing app gives more information about
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jelly fish. who knows, maybe one day viewers will be able to sync up to a newscast and buy a tie just like ken bastida. in emeryville, julia goodrich, kpix 5. >> or buy a tie like paul's. >> reporter: or sell it right now. >> we can make a little business. >> reporter: make a little money. >> 30 bucks probably. >> maybe we can change the forecast. >> reporter: maybe not yet but a lot of you out there who enjoy the sunshine and 75 probably were taken a little aback when you woke up this morning. hey where did the sun and heat. go right now on monday evening wrapping up the holiday weekend, it is chilly. 48 in livermore. and we have rainfall. kpix 5 high definition doppler radar, we see the rainfall fall
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first. that is where we can see it the clearest where radar is. the rain has ended temporarily in santa rosa and petaluma. napa, you are getting the rain now. we could use a lot of rainfall. we don't want it all in one or two days, but we need to make up some rain. the rain deficit is just over the past seven weeks. we've got virtually zero. this is our rainy season, as you know. that will change tomorrow we have the boundary stretching all the way from the pacific northwest down through california almost here. as that boundary moves through our source of air will change. on the other side of the front it will be coming down from north and west. it will be breezy just like today for the next several days, but the only real day for rainfall will be tomorrow. after this front moves through it will be wet throughout the day. we will be getting our source of air from north, but there is
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not moisture coming down from california. we will be chilly. it will feel like winter temperature-wise, but we will not tap into that moisture to cut into that rainfall deficit. there is a slight chance of thunderstorm tomorrow, but we will have a wet commute. look at the highs tomorrow. 51 for san jose. 49 for livermore. santa cruz rafael, 50. vallejo, 50. concord 12 degrees below normal. union city 50 for a highful walnut creek, 50. pleasantton, 50. pretty popular temperature.
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rain showers tomorrow. your extended forecast. we will get into the mid 50s wednesday. mid to upper 50s thursday. back to 60s friday. a chance of showers on friday but not much. we will be chilly just like we should in winter. we will be cloudy just like we should in winter. we just can't get the moisture here. we can't tap into the tropics like we need to do make up the deficit. >> right. >> talked about priming the rain gauge. maybe we knead to prime the rain gauge. see what happens -- need to prime the rain gauge, see what happens. we'll be right back.
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grow everybody from phoenix everybody where the a's open practice this week where the surprise defending champions of the american league west. i am happy to report they haven't frown up. they haven't matured because josh redic simply won't allow it. >> you see him in your interviews. you see him showing off his wwe championship wrestling belt and back many your interview again. this is the world of josh reddick antres of us are just living in. >> i love it. let red be red. laugh at it when he walks by.
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>> who else would come to camp like he just came off the mountains or in the words of one teammate, hill billy jesus. >> they ignore him with that hill billy accent from kansas or wherever he is from. pretty funny. >> underneath that hairier exterior lies another side of the right fielder, 2 one who punishes himself for striking out despite hitting 32 home runs last year, reddick fell into a deep second half slump. >> you think sometimes you are too hard on yourself? >> without a. do everybody has seen the helmet throws and bat breakings i have had this year. hopefully i can cut taco bell down as well. >> it is intensity but also a bad thing to get that kind of energy. hopefully i can cut that down. >> reddick never let his bat affect his glove. he threw out 15 base runners and became the a's first gold
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glove winter -- winner 29 years. >> a little bit, yes. it is a sense of respect but at the same time it is kind of a let down for me because i don't really have that effect anymore. >> a's fans can rest assure another great sermon is being written by hill billy jesus. >> it might come off as a bad thing for team pates or other players as me being cocky or confident. i will not change because somebody else thinks otherwise. >> he and his teammates looked like anything but gold glovers today. in simple practice drill it began with a simple drop and then it sort of spread to everyone on the baseball diamond. more billions hit the grass than the leather. in fact, one a's coach told me he had never seen anything like it. the good muse is it was only spring training, they were having fun, but several players
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were left shaking their head. but, as it turn out, there may have been a reason for all the drops >> we had a little trouble with the machine. it was throwing up some knucklers. that was the sun field so there were different shoes. the other field you wouldn't have been asking me any questions. bob said i can't watch this anymore and just called it off, the first one we had. it is not that uncommon unfortunately. >> it is the same bob that had four errors if one inning, correct. >> correct. right. threw one of them over my head. >> is that right. >> for the first time in four years the giants pitcher got named tim linscum will start. matt pain will start. he had the perfect game last year. jerry b long time los
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angeles lakers coach has passed away at 80. bus took control of the team in 1979 and won 10 nba championships making them one of the winningest the teams. he left the operation of the team to his children. one night after the shoving incident between cal coach mike montgomery and allen crab, the cal guard has been name the pac- 12 player another week now for the second straight week. we showed you earlier in this newscast that montgomery was shoving crab in a heat exchange during a time out because of his poor defensive effort. it seemed to motivate crab in the final four minutes to help beat usc. >> probably overdid it a little bit. he is my guy. i need him. >> everything is fine. he is my coach. we will keep moving on. >> i told him i'd do it again. i want to win.
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i get involved. >> montgomery will not face suspension from the pac-12 or the university, but athletic director sandy barber did say this, the second half incident was certainly out of character for mike montgomery. i'm confident something like that will not happen again. the nhra befan with a pang yesterday quite literally. top dragster exploded. he cross the finish line going 300 miles per hour when the rear end of the car went up in flames. brown was protected by the coke pictures and canopy which might have saved husband life. that is it from phoenix. real quickly on mike montgomery. allen, elizabeth, i think you have to look at the whole body of work. this guy as tone a lot of good. hopefully not too much negative publicity will come out of this or the program. that's it. back to san francisco.
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twice. >> thanks, dennis. -- guys. >> thanks, dennis. for the latest, >> back here at 11:00. have a good night. saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. land o' lakes spreadable butter with canola oil is made with sweet cream, canola oil and salt. just three simple ingredients. what's in your spread?
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announcer: this is joey fatone. it's time to play family feud. give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: these families are ready to go. come on, now. thank you, folks. thank you very much. i appreciate you coming. thank you, everybody. hey, welcome to "family feud." i'm your man, steve harvey. you know what, we got a good one for you today. this family returns for the second day, already with a total of $20,000. from seattle, washington it's the kline family. [crowd cheering] and from right here in atlanta, georgia it's the lee family. [crowd cheering]
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let's get it on. give me connie. give me shekita. ["family feud" theme plays] ladies, here we go. we got the top 7 answers on the board. name something a cowboy does with his boots on. connie. >> he sleeps. steve: he sleeps. >> eats, eats. steve: eats. pass or play, connie? >> play. we're gonna play! steve: connie's gonna play. >> play, yes! yes. steve: noah, how you feeling today? >> hey, feeling good, steve. steve: good job. ready for med school? >> i'm getting ready. steve: all right. let's go. name something a cowboy does with his boots on. >> i think i got this. i think a cowboy rides his horse. steve: you'd better know it. he rides his horse. hey, jessica. >> hey, steve. steve: a pretty good fast money player. how are you doing today? >> i'm doing wonderful. steve: third-grade teacher. >> i am. steve: name something a cowboy


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